Where is...

Finding things you need near the cabin.

Medical Care

Emergency Centers:

Closest Hospital/Emergency room is Penn Highlands in Brookville, 11.5 miles. Directions here.

Clarion Hospital in Clarion is also available, 22 miles away. Directions here.

Urgent Care Centers:

QCare is the urgent care arm of Penn Highlands Healthcare. Information here. The closest location is Brookville, directions here.

UPMC Urgent Care is available in Clarion. Directions here.


Closest drug store is just off Interstate 80 at Brookville, 9.2 miles left out of the cabin on Rt. 36. There are several others in Brookville and Clarion both.



Firewood for the outdoor fire pit is not provided. Out of state residents are prohibited from bringing in raw firewood due to invasive species infestation. (Learn more here.) You may bring in pre-packaged, labeled wood that has been dried and handled appropriately.

Firewood is available many places throughout the area. There are several options located either left or right out of the cabin. (Pro tip: the further out of the State Park itself, wood tends to be less expensive.

Liquor Store

Closest State Liquor store is 160 Main Street in Brookville. Directions here.

Beer Distributor

The closest distributor is just off Interstate 80 Brookville, Sigel exit. Turn left out of the cabin, approximately 9 miles. Directions here.


Groceries are available in Brookville at Giant Eagle (directions) or more limited at the Leeper Market (directions).

General Shopping

There are a couple of smaller convenience type stores in the area. These are only open seasonally. MacBeths Store in Cooksburg has limited stock. Truman's Store is just down the road in Sigel.

There are dollar stores in both Leeper and Brookville. Larger big box stores are located in Clarion or DuBois.